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This survey takes about 10 minutes and seeks your feedback on the preliminary design proposals for Warwick Avenue public realm. 

Your feedback will help define a preferred design proposal to take forward to the next stage.


Project Objectives

The Project Objectives have been developed in response to the community engagement findings, a technical appraisal of existing site conditions, and input from key stakeholders. 

On the below drop-down menu you can see the objectives in more detail. 

• Protect Warwick Avenue’s residential character and heritage

• Protect existing trees

• Enhance pedestrian crossings and improve safety at junctions, particularly around the station

• Improve accessibility throughout the area

• Balance the provision of parking and the impact of vehicles on the street

• Enhance the setting of the listed Cabmen’s Shelter and St Saviour’s Church

• Enhance and rationalise street furniture and existing facilities (eg. waste and recycling facilities, cycle stands)

• Improve lighting quality for enhanced feelings of safety, character and legibility at night

• Enhance the appearance of the Underground vent shaft, in partnership with others

• Create a neighbourhood space appropriate for the conservation area

• Create new, better signage and way-finding to Little Venice, the canal, Formosa Street and other local destinations

• Create additional areas of greenery and upgrade the quality of materials


Design Proposals

We used the Project Objectives as a departure point for the design brief and developed a Baseline Proposal and two further iterations which build upon the Baseline approach with additional design ideas. We also developed a fourth proposal that responds to the more ambitious community aspirations.

On the below drop-down menu you can read about the four design proposals, and view the Exhibition Boards which include more detail. 

On the next pages we will show you the proposals one by one and ask for your feedback.

This baseline proposal focuses on protecting the street's character while re-arranging existing features to create more generous, pleasant places and a better use of space around the Underground station, vent shaft, Cabmen's Shelter and gateways into Warwick Avenue.

This proposal includes all the benefits of the baseline proposal ‘An Improved Neighbourhood Space’ and proposes to additionally create an accessible green walking route on the median down the centre of Warwick Avenue.

This proposal includes all the benefits of the baseline proposal ‘An Improved Neighbourhood Space’ and proposes to additionally create wider footways, more greening, trees and other improvements down both sides of Warwick Avenue.

This proposal includes all the benefits of the baseline proposal ‘An Improved Neighbourhood Space’ and proposes to additionally create wider footways, more greening, trees and other improvements on both sides of Warwick Avenue.

This proposal includes all the benefits of the baseline proposal ‘An Improved Neighbourhood Space’ and proposes to additionally create wider footways, more greening, trees and other improvements on both sides of Warwick Avenue.

This design takes a different approach to the baseline proposal, and offers a more ambitious approach by simplifying road layouts to create a two-way street and a new series of gardens from north to south.

This design takes a different approach to the baseline proposal, and offers a more ambitious approach by simplifying road layouts to create a two-way street and a new series of gardens from north to south.

You can see the public exhibition boards here

Document image preview
Warwick Avenue Public Exhibition Boards.pdf

An Improved Neighbourhood Space

The baseline proposal focuses on protecting the street’s character while re-arranging existing features to create more generous, pleasant places and a better use of space around the Underground station, vent shaft, Cabmen’s Shelter and gateways into Warwick Avenue. 

The baseline design proposal would involve:

  • minimal changes to kerb lines and parking to unlock the opportunity of a new neighbourhood space;
  • upgraded, step-free pedestrian crossings to improve accessibility, new way-finding, and improved lighting;
  • additional trees would be planted where appropriate, and new areas of low level greenery would be created.


An Improved Neighbourhood Space + A Central Green Route

Beyond the baseline proposal for Warwick Avenue, we have also drawn up a series of potential additional ideas for improving the street.

This second idea includes all the benefits of the baseline proposal 'An Improved Neighbourhood' and additionally creates an accessible green walking route on the median down the centre of Warwick Avenue.


An Improved Neighbourhood Space + An Enhanced Avenue

Beyond the baseline proposal for Warwick Avenue, we have also drawn up a series of potential additional ideas for improving the street.

This third idea includes all the benefits of the baseline proposal 'An Improved Neighbourhood' and additionally creates wider footways, more greening, trees and other improvements down both sides of Warwick Avenue.


A Series of Gardens

The idea for a series of gardens takes a different approach from the baseline proposals shown on the previous pages.

This idea would be the most ambitious and include simplifying road layouts to create a two-way street and a new series of gardens from north to south, while maintaining access on Warwick Avenue.

Whilst the feasibility of this design is subject to additional technical studies, we are eager to hear whether there is local appetite for exploring a more ambitious approach.


Thank you

Click the "Next" button below to proceed to the next section.

We appreciate you taking the time to tell us what you think about these initial design proposals. 

This survey is open for four weeks until Wednesday 7 August and we encourage all local residents and community members to have their say. 

Once we close the survey we will analyse the responses to identify the community priorities for the next stage of design development. 

We will aim to come back to you by the end of 2024.

This engagement phase has finished

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