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Final day to submit your feedback!

Since launching the digital survey on Wednesday 10 July, 3216 people have visited the Warwick Avenue Public Realm page to learn more about the programme, and 333 people have responded to the survey! 

This is a gentle reminder for those who have yet to respond to the survey that it closes tomorrow, Wednesday 7 August at midnight. So, if you haven't already done so, we would like to warmly invite you to tell us what you think about the programme objectives and to share your feedback on the design proposals.

We would also be grateful if you could remind your neighbours to participate in the survey before it closes to ensure we get as much of the community engaged with the shaping of Warwick Avenue at this formative stage of the programme.

Thank you for your time and participation!

Posted on 6th August 2024

by Place Shaping

Answers to your frequently asked questions

Thank you for your contributions to our engagement on the Warwick Avenue concept proposals. We have received fantastic feedback and interest in the project to date.

The project team has prepared a series of answers to comments and concerns raised in some of the survey responses. Please follow the link below to see the FAQs.

The survey will be live until 7th August 2024.

Warwick Avenue Proposal FAQs

Posted on 1st August 2024

by Place Shaping

Join us to hear about the Warwick Avenue public realm proposals!

We are thrilled with the volume of subscribers and responses to the survey thus far! It is a testament to how passionate the local community is about the future of their local Warwick Avenue.

After a busy Community Event held at the public exhibition this Tuesday 23 July, we have decided to host an additional event for the local community to hear from the Design Team. The aim of this event is for the team to explain each design proposal in detail, and to address any questions or concerns - and to listen to any suggestions - you have. 

The event will take place outside the exhibition - adjacent to the Cabman's Shelter - next Thursday 1 August between 6:30 and 7:30pm. We kindly ask you to register your interest via Eventbrite so we can keep track of numbers.

We look forward to seeing some of your next Thursday!

Posted on 25th July 2024

by Place Shaping

Tell us what you think about the Warwick Avenue proposals!

After a busy few months translating the community feedback and technical studies and surveys into design proposals for Warwick Avenue, we are ready to share the results with you and invite you to have your say. How are we doing that?

Public Exhibition

A public exhibition showcasing the design proposals is installed on Warwick Avenue in a prominent spot outside the Cabman's Shelter for all to see. This exhibition will remain in-situ until Thursday 1 August to allow as many people from the local area to see the proposals and have their say via the digital survey.

Digital Survey

The digital survey is now live and will remain open until Wednesday 7 August. The survey invites you to give feedback about both the project objectives and the design proposals. Your responses will help inform the next phase of the programme. 

Community Event

On Tuesday 23 July we will host a Community Event outside the exhibition on Warwick Avenue. This event will be an opportunity for Cllr Geoff Barraclough and Ward Councillors to introduce the proposals, and for the community to ask questions. If you'd like to attend the event please do register via Eventbrite.

Thank you for your participation & do share with your friends and neighbours!

Posted on 16th July 2024

by Place Shaping Team