This phase of engagement has ended.
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Warwick Avenue Public Realm Project logoWarwick Avenue Public Realm Project


  • Initial Engagement

    January 2024




    March 2024

    Gathering thoughts, ideas and aspirations for Warwick Avenue from the local community and stakeholders to inform design development.
  • Design Development

    March 2024




    June 2024

    Developing design proposals for Warwick Avenue based on context analysis and community feedback gathered from initial engagement in spring.
  • Engagement on Proposals

    July 2024




    August 2024

    Engaging the public on the initial design proposals for Warwick Avenue to determine the level of support to progress to the next stages.
  • Survey Analysis

    August 2024




    September 2024

    Analysing the feedback from the digital survey to understand responses to the four design options.
  • Design Development

    September 2024




    December 2024

    Developing one preferred design proposal that addresses the concerns and aspirations raised in the survey.